Meet the team

Scott Robinson
(Co-Project Sponsor)
"Hi, I’m Scott! I started Scouts when I was 4 Years old in Northern Ireland and continued the journey through all the sections! My primary role in Scouts is Assistant County Commissioner for Explorers in Belfast County (NI), although I used to be the ESL-YL within Pentland District (South East Scotland). Since being a part of Scouts, I have spent time in various sections as a youth member, a Young Leader and as a Adult Leader. I have always been keen to achieve the top awards within Scouting from achieving the Young Leader Award in 2016, and then to achieving my Queen Scout Award in December 2019. Whether it’s in NI or Scotland, my passion never changed, as I was always driven by working with Explorers to provide them the opportunities to maximise their achievements!"

Allison Gamble
(Co-Project Sponsor)
"Hi, I’m Allison! I’ve been in Scouting for quite a few years from being a Leader in Glasgow & Derby to now being a Leader in Edinburgh, but I never started as a Scout. Young Leaders got me involved in Scouting, as I was originally a guide who attended Scouts to work towards my volunteering service for my Baden Powell Award. Since being a Leader, I have held Leadership roles in Beavers, Cubs and Explorers, but in recent years I have stayed as a Leader in Explorers! Primarily because I love the outdoors and then secondly, I enjoy assisting Explorers to achieve the Young Leaders Award. My current roles are as ESL YL for Braid and AESL Meadows and have been involved with Young Leaders for the past 13 years. Since being a part of Scouts, I have achieved the Explorer Belt also the Queen Scout Award."

Ryan Schuller
(Website Developer)
"Hi, I'm Ryan! I started scouting in Cubs in 2009 and have risen up through the sections before taking on multiple leadership roles. I am an AESL-YL, a Cub leader and the youngest member of the district executive in Braid district. I completed my Explorer Belt and Young Leader Belt in 2017 and am now working towards my Queen Scout Award. In 2020, I was also awarded the May Burrows Award, given to leaders who go above and beyond for scouting for building this website and helping transition training online during lockdown."

Fraser Liddle
(Content Contributor)
"Hi, I’m Fraser! I’ve been involved with Scouting since I started Beavers almost 18 years ago. I am involved with the Pentland Young Leader as an Assistant Section, although I’m also a Cub Section Leader within Braid District. A few of my highlights looking back have been: attending Kandersteg International Scout Centre and also attending the 2015 World Scout Jamboree in Japan. Whilst being an Explorer and a Network member, I have been fortunate to achieve the Young Leaders Award, DofE Awards and to top it off in 2020, I achieved the Queen Scouts Award. I stayed on being involved with scouting after turning 18, with the primary reason of providing others the opportunities which I was able to experience!"
Past contributors
Thank you to everyone who has helped with the development of this website, including:
Matthew Wilson